
Danesh Electronics' extensive networking experience always renders the best solution for its customers.

Planning and Deployment

Careful planning is always necessary for a solid cost-effective solution and Danesh Electronics is here to help you acquire upgrade or migrate to a networked environment.

Our in-house staff specializes in micro-computer based networks (PCs) with MS-Windows NT as their NOS.


Once a network is present we can turn your old file-sharing/printer-sharing network into an intranet with e-mail web server ... capabilities.

An extranet is useful when you'd like your customers or distributors be connected to your network (thus gaining access to your/their databases ...). Intra-Company networks exist in many different variations depending on the type of relationship you entertain with the other company.

Virtual Private Networks (VPN) enable your company to maintain and link togother geographically-dispersed networks in a very safe way. Depending on the level and type of security desired some solutions are software-only-based hardware-only-based or a mix of the two.


Your information and data is very important to your company and it must be protected at any cost.

Danesh Electronics is pleased to offer its network security services which can be as effective in protecting one of Canada's top-five banking institutions upto any small business with some vital information.

Contact us for more information.

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